Awareness creation on Industrial Input policy and strategy was given

Awareness creation on Industrial Input policy and strategy was given Duplicate 2

EIIDE conducted Eight-month plan performance review

Awareness creation on Industrial Input policy and strategy was given

Financial and Audit Report 2020/21

Financial and Audit Report

Top management of Ethiopian Investment Holdings held a discussion and working visit with the management of EIIDE

Managers and Employees of EIIDE visited the new head office under construction

EIIDE secured 1.94 Billion Birr on the four months of the fiscal year

Ethiopian Industrial Inputs Development Enterprise and Ethiopian Post signed a memorandum of understanding

A discussion was held on the challenges and solutions of the supply of industrial inputs

Congratulations !!

EIIDE awarded its management and employees for the successful performance of the 2023/24 fiscal year

EIIDE became the highest awardee of the Abyssinian Industrial Award

Managers and employees of the Public Enterprises Holding and Administration and responsible institutions conducted sapling planting

EIIDE conducted Ten-month plan implementation and 2024/25 corporate plan review of central and western districts

EIIDE Reviewed it's Strategic Plan and other operating manuals

EIIDE is Reviewing it's Strategic Plan and other operating manuals

EIIDE participated in 'Ethiopia Tamrt' Expo

EIIDE participated in the 10th International Cooperatives Exhibition and Bazaar

Members of the Standing Committee on Trade and Industry of the House of peoples Representatives visited EIIDE
In coordination with the Ministry of Industry, a two-day awareness creation training was provided to senior executives, directors , district heads and experts of EIIDE at Bishoftu city starting from March 04, 2025, on the policy prepared to increase the production and productivity of the manufacturing industry in relation to the provision of industrial inputs.
CEO of EIIDE Ms. Yeshimebet Negash, pointed out that the main objective of the training was to enable EIIDE to work in a manner that is aligned and coordinated with the Ministry of Industry's strategy in line with the needs of industries to streamline the input supply chain and enable it to work in collaboration to meet the industrial input supply of the country.
Ethiopia's industrial policy, proxy product substitution strategy, manufacturing industry linkage strategy, manufacturing industry sector export strategy, leather strategy, and cotton marketing studies were presented on the training.
Finally, Dr. Milkesa Jagme, Director General of the Manufacturing Sector of the Ministry of Industry, stressed that it is very important to have a common understanding of strategies and studies that link institutions, as they have different content but can achieve the same goal.